Ground Zero 9/11: Blueprint For Terror, Part Two

Ground Zero 9/11: Blueprint For Terror, Part Two
Indira Singh began working on Wall Street in 1975.  On September 11th, 2001 she was working as a senior consultant for J.P. Morgan Chase tasked with developing a next generation operational risk blueprint which would proactively identify exposures including money laundering, rogue trading and illicit financing patterns. It was in this capacity nine months later that she sought to subcontract with software engineer PTech to design a next generation risk blueprint for J. P. Morgan Chase. Prior to 9/11 she volunteered as a Civilian Emergency Medical Technician until she was injured at ground zero. In Part One we discuss her experiences as an EMT at ground zero on 9/11 and subsequent days, her return to her neighborhood in lower Manhattan, the health problems that she and her neighbors suffered, and begin a discussion of her professional life on Wall Street and her introduction to software engineer PTech.
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